


是的. 如果你想申请联邦或州资助(包括助学金),你必须每年申请经济资助, 贷款, 和勤工助学.

如果你已经申请了联邦或州援助, 经济援助办公室将专门为您的家庭创建一个一揽子计划,并通过电子邮件通知您如何在线查看您的录取通知.

Since your financial situation can change from year to year; your offer may be affected. Your package will be evaluated annually to account for changes in income, 家庭地位, 令人满意的学业进展, 以及入学情况. Special circumstances may arise during the time you are in attendance. 有些情况可以通过家长或学生的专业判断审查请求来考虑. 表格可从本署网页下载. Please complete the necessary documents and submit them to the office as needed.

注意: 如果你保持令人满意的学业进步,你从大学获得的机构奖学金将根据你合同中的规定续签.

There is no income cutoff because income by itself is not the only consideration. 我们考虑整个家庭的收入, 家庭规模, 大学里的人数, 医疗费用, and other information to help us give you the best package possible.

Because many factors make each family's financial situation unique, 我们不能只根据收入来作出判断.

是的. If you are receiving any kind of financial aid from the university, 私人来源, or 政府ernment sources; you must report the scholarship to the financial aid office.

The university may adjust your financial aid package as needed to prevent an over offer. In most cases, outside 奖学金 are used to replace 贷款 instead of grants.

是的, if you withdraw from Xavier University or change the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled, 你的资格可能会改变. 你应该联系你在办公室的经济援助顾问,讨论它如何影响你获得经济援助的资格.

如果你注册的学生少于全日制学生, your cost of education will be recalculated using actual reduced tuition costs. 您的家庭捐款将不予修改, as you are expected to contribute the same amount regardless of your enrollment status.

你获得资助的资格将根据因非全日制学习而减少的学费或其他费用按比例减少. You must be enrolled in at least a half-time status to be eligible for financial aid assistance.

如果您的家庭情况发生变化,可能会影响您的预期家庭分担额,您和您的家人有义务通知我们的办公室. 这些变化包括收入的减少/增加, 家庭成员或由父母供养的家庭成员数量减少/增加,或上大学的家庭成员数量减少/增加.

保留一份完整的财政援助申请的副本作为报告内容的记录是很重要的. 其他变化,如家庭收入的损失或减少,也可能构成要求我们重新评估先前报价的理由. This process requires families to submit in writing a specific explanation of their situation, 包括收入减少的明细. Contact your 金融援助 Counselor for further instructions.

这两个办公室有各自的行政职能. The 金融援助 Office determines eligibility for grants, 奖学金, 贷款, work-study and other financial aid and college financing programs. 财务处负责所有的账单和收取适用的费用,并为所有学生账户发放学生退款.


验证是审查和确定学生是否有资格获得第四章援助的审计过程. 验证过程决定了学生和/或家长在其FAFSA上报告的信息的准确性.

美国.S. 教育部门决定学生是否被选中进行称为验证的审计过程. 学生 are selected based on the information that is reported on the FAFSA application.

学生们会收到来自美国大学的通知.S. 通过他们的FAFSA申请,也就是学生援助报告(SAR). 该信息显示在评论部分中. 财政援助办公室通过e世博esball大学的电子邮件通知学生核实过程. 学生被告知检查他们的Banner网站帐户的“学生要求”,其中列出了所需的文件.


要获取国税局纳税申报表,请访问 www.国税局.政府. Under Tools click Get a tax transcript, or call 1-800-908-9946.

此表格用于收集学生信息, 学生家庭情况, 学生及/或家长的收入资料, 以及纳税和未纳税的收入.

验证过程是基于学生提交他或她所要求的文件的时间框架. 然而, 处理高峰期, (6月, 7月和8月)验证过程可能需要1到2周的时间来验证学生的文件。.


The starting wage for students offered federal 工作研究 at Xavier is $12.00美元一小时.


Maximum work hours allowed during enrollment periods 20hrs/week.

No, 我们还提供校外勤工俭学,学生在社区内的各种学校工作.


All institutional and outside 奖学金 are processed, not offered, in 金融援助. 招生办公室和各学术部门为新生提供机构奖学金. 学院奖学金由教务处和各院系提供.

奖学金 are posted according to the instructions provided by the offering organization. 如果一学年有奖学金, it will be posted for that year (evenly between the two semesters). 如果奖学金只提供一个学期, the scholarship organization must include that information when sending the check to the school.

是的, if a scholarship is awarded to you, it is to assist with paying your educational expenses. It must be submitted to the school and posted along with all other financial resources received.

Outside 奖学金 will post when the funds are received from the donor. If you are expecting a scholarship that is not posted to your award, 请确保它已经发送到大学,然后联系学生经济援助办公室 & 奖学金.

奖学金 must be posted along with federal aid in compliance with federal aid guidelines. To avoid an over-award of aid over a students' cost of attendance, 奖学金公布后,贷款会减少.

External 奖学金 should be mailed to the following address:
1 Drexel驱动箱# 121
新奥尔良,La 70125

When awarding scholarship funds please include in the memo, 学生的全名和e世博esball的身份证号码, 如果可用.

我们处理大量的外部奖学金. 请预留5-7个工作日, 一旦我们收到你的奖学金, 用于处理和张贴到您的经济援助报价. 


如果希望获得外部奖学金, students should notify us by submitting an award letter to the 学生资助办公室 & 奖学金.  奖励信应由奖学金组织出具,并包括学生的姓名和奖励金额. With the letter on file, we can add the expected award to the student’s financial aid award.

如果学生没有上e世博esball大学, 奖学金未使用的部分将退还给组织,除非组织另有规定.


令人满意的学业进展(SAP)是对学生的学术历史的评估,以确定是否有资格获得联邦学生援助(FSA)资金. 学生 must make 令人满意的学业进展 in an eligible curriculum as degree-seeking students. 在这个过程中,学生的整个学术历史都会被审查,无论学生是否获得了课程工作或学分的资助, regardless if the work transfers into Xavier or towards a change of major, or regardless to how long ago the courses were attempted at Xavier or another school.

令人满意的学术进步(SAP)是为了确保学生能够及时完成他们的学术课程,同时达到最低的学术标准. In an age of increasing accountability of the use of Federal Student 援助 funds (and other Federal, 状态, 及机构基金), 机构和学生必须证明财政援助资金被用于帮助学生以最有效的方式完成学业目标.

When a student does not meet SAP that student cannot receive any type of Federal Student 援助, 包括联邦拨款, 联邦直接贷款, 或联邦勤工俭学. 学生可以, 然而, apply for Private 贷款 through a lender of his/her choice, 不需要SAP的. 私人贷款与联邦直接贷款的不同之处在于,贷款人会检查学生的信用记录,可能需要共同签名.